south florida lawn care

Local, honest, reliable care for your lawn.

South Florida Lawn Care is a privately owned company located out of Pompano Beach. We have decades of experience in caring for the lawns and turf types found in the South Florida area. Using this experience to keep our customers lawns looking great is only part of the reason you should choose us to care for your lawn.
We combine our agronomic experience and know-how with what we feel is an unmatched customer service experience in the lawn care world. We do it differently than the other companies. Our customers are not just another number or stop on our route. We take the time to treat your property correctly and completely. If we see something on your lawn of concern, we do not wait for you to call us, we will call you and let you know what we are doing about it.
We feel that if you place enough trust in us to hire us to care for your lawn, you should not have to do the work of identifying issues and chasing down your lawn service provider. We take a pro-active approach to partnering with you to keep your lawn in its best condition year-round.
Call us today, talk to us, and give us a chance to show you the difference a personalized lawn care experience can make on your property.
All of the pictures on this site are lawns that we have cared for. To see more examples of our work click on OUR LAWNS in the menu.